3 Tips For Winterizing Your Home and Preventing Termite Infestations

Termites remain active year-round. Not many homeowners consider winter a time for termites to begin damaging homes, but they are always looking for feeble properties to attack. Subterranean termites typically look for warmer areas during the winter. They will usually dig deep underneath the ground to access the warmth they need to survive. But, if they have another option like entering a nice, warm home, they will certainly go for it.

Hopefully, you’ve spent your summer focusing on termite control so your home hasn’t undergone significant damage. However, know that you’re not out of the woods just because winter is approaching.

Here are a few tips for termite control Tallahassee residents should consider when winterizing their homes.

Get rid of any wood piles near your home before it’s too late
Since termites love wooden structures, they will nest inside trees, logs, firewood, and piles of mulch for as long as they can. As they feed inside these wooden areas, they will likely begin transitioning from your backyard to your actual home. Remove any piles of wood from around your home and keep firewood at least 20 feet away and five inches off the ground.

Inspect your home and seal any pest entrances
During the first few weeks before snowfall, spend some time walking around your home and look for any small cracks or breaks indoor windows or doors. In addition to inspecting the obvious pest entrances, spend some time looking inside your basement, checking your home’s piping, and your inspecting your attic.

Insulate your home’s plumbing
Preventing serious leaks inside your home should be a priority before every winter. Not only will any leak cause expensive repairs and lead to a long, uncomfortable season, they will increase your chance of being infested with termites. Insulate the covers on all your faucets, too.

Though you should spend some time winterizing your home in order to prevent termite infestations, your best bet to keep your home insect-free over the winter is to work with professional exterminators. If you're in need of high quality termite control Tallahassee assistance, contact Dixon Pest Services right away.

3 Tips For Winterizing Your Home and Preventing Termite Infestations in Thomasville, GA

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