Fight Back Against Termites!

Spring cleaning is here and that means it's time to put on some music, throw on those rubber gloves, and clean away!

Despite the fact that cleaning is involved with spring cleaning, it's actually a lot of fun. At least compared to all the other times you have spent cleaning. But if you don't do a thorough enough job, checking for other potential dangers, you will not be having so much fun.

Along with some of the simpler spring cleaning tasks: cleaning windows, vacuuming, washing curtains, etc... it's extremely important to check for those disgusting little critters known as termites.

If you discover termite damage in your home and it's too late to completely prevent the damage from happening, it will cost on average about $3,000 to repair the damage.

Termites are such a nuisance and cause millions of American's problems. Every year in the United States, termites ruin approximately 600,000 homes. The money that these pests waste in damage and structural repair is even worse. Each year, termites cause an estimated $30 billion in damage to man-made structures and crops.

Again, they are a nuisance.

There are a few things you can do to prevent these pests from completely damaging your home:

    1. Routinely Inspect Property -- Periodically checking around your home and your outside property for these insects can give you an advantage when trying to prevent them. By waiting until it's too late, the damage that has already been done is too significant for an easy fix. By checking for termites more often, you will be able to prevent major damages.
    1. Keep Wood Away From Your Home -- Termites eat wood and they will start their plan of attack in your backyard. First your trees, then your spare logs and furniture, and then your home. Keeping those wooden logs a solid distance away will help slow their process down and give you another advantage in prevention.
  1. Call an Exterminator -- A professional exterminator who has plenty of pest control experience will be able to help handle any insect situation you have on your property. Whether you're just trying to prevent a termite attack or it's too late and they have already infested your home, professionals can help.

If you need a Tallahassee exterminator or want to find out more information, call us today!

Fight Back Against Termites! in Thomasville, GA

Serving Georgia and Florida

Thomasville | Tallahassee

Crawfordville | Wakulla| Monticello | Cairo | Moultrie | Camilla | Pelham | Bainbridge