3 Ways to Prevent Termite Damage Before the Winter

Termites cause serious problems for homeowners. During the months they are most active, August to November, they can not only cause extreme structural damage but can end up costing you a significant amount of money. It's estimated that U.S. residents spend about $5 billion a year to prevent termites and repair any subsequent damage.

It's finally almost winter and although that means chilly temperatures, snow, and holiday craziness, at least it means termites will take a break from stressing out U.S. homeowners. Just because winter is only a few weeks away, however, doesn't mean you can just take a break from protecting your home from these unwanted pests. You should still do everything possible to prevent termite damage from overtaking your home, and that includes working with a professional exterminator if you do find any signs of these pests.

Roof Prevention
It's important that you make sure your roof is properly maintained throughout the duration of termite season. Any damaged shingles or tiles can lead to a swarm of termites. Any damaged part of your roof will produce extra moisture, which attracts termites. Make sure you periodically inspect your roof, have any broken tiles repaired, and handle damp areas as soon as possible.

Flooring Prevention
Wooden flooring is a great source of food for termites. It's so important to address your flooring problems, perhaps even quicker than anything else, because once the termites have access to your home's floors, they can spread out throughout your house and cause even more damage. Make sure you have an exterminator take a look at your floors if there is any damage, and you might want to think about installing a termite barrier under your floors.

Outdoor Prevention
Just because the interior of your home is secure doesn't mean that termites can't get in. Termites can just as easily damage your outdoor property like your garden, trees, and backyard furniture, and then make their way into your home if you don't act fast. You should remove old tree stumps in your yard, use certain types of mulch, and make sure there is enough space between mulch and your home.

Your best bet is to contact a pest control service and hire an exterminator to eradicate any termite swarms. Contact Dixon Pest Services today for assistance!

3 Ways to Prevent Termite Damage Before the Winter in Thomasville, GA

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