Don't let bed-bugs travel home with you.
- Before unpacking, pull back the sheets and inspect the mattress seams, particularly at the corners, for any signs of bed bugs.
- Inspect the entire room, including behind the headboard, in sofas/chairs, along the baseboards and behind curtains.
- If you see any signs of an infestation, notify management and change rooms or establishments immediately.
- If you do change rooms, be sure that your new room is not adjacent or directly above/below your old room.
- Bed bugs can easily hitchhike via housekeeping carts, luggage and even through wall sockets.
- Consider placing your suitcase in a plastic trash bag during the duration of your trip to ensure that bed bugs don't travel home with you.
- After your trip, inspect your suitcases before bringing them into the house. Vacuum your suitcase thoroughly before storing away.
- Using a garment steamer, steam your luggage to kill any bed bugs or eggs that may have hitched a ride home.
- Wash all of your clothes - even those that have not been worn - in hot water to ensure that any bed bugs that may have made it that far are not placed into your drawers/closet.
Traveling this 4th of July in Thomasville, GA Read these tips on how to keep Bed Bugs form traveling home with you?
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